16 Chapter 4: Theories of Language Acquisition (online)
Use one of the Concept Map/Mind Map makers listed below to relate the large number of concepts that align with the theories of language acquisition in a manner that shows your own depth of understanding. This short film explains how to create a concept map.
The resulting concept map should
focus on the central theme of the theories of language acquisition and development
include the key concepts for each of the three theories of language acquisition and development(behaviorist, social interactionist, nativist)
provide a short explanation that explains each of the key concepts; personal experiences that are relevant to the key concept should be included
include a citation for the Core Reading from which each piece of information was retrieved
to complete this assignment.
Choose from one of these concept map/mind map template makers.
Arrange each of the theories of language acquisition and development (behaviorist, social interactionist, nativist) on your concept map.
Determine the key concepts for each of the theories of language acquisition and development. Arrange these on your concept map.
Explain, briefly, each of the key concepts. Add this information to the appropriate location on your concept map.
Cite the information source for each key concept. Add this information to the appropriate location on your concept map.
Share your completed Concept Map by copying and pasting the URL to this assignment. Make certain you use the URL for “share” so that your completed Concept Map can accessed and viewed.
There are two examples of a completed Concept Map.
Using Coggle, this student first named each of the three theories and then briefly defined each. Then she indicated the most important ideas for each theory and briefly described what each meant. Please note the ways in which the lines were used to connect the ideas to each theory.
This student used bubbl.us to create a concept map that included each of the three theories. However, she also added a link for Language Development as she felt there was a lot of important information to include for that concept.
These are examples. There are many ways in which you can correctly create a Concept Map. Use your creativity and design a Map that will assist you in remembering the important information for each of these theories.
to access the Core Readings for the Theories of Language Acquisition.