30 Chapter 12: Core Readings: Family Literacy
To fully comprehend the contributions that family members make to literacy development of children, as well as the challenges that can exist in families where some or all of the members are illiterate, you will choose two items from the listings below to add to your knowledge base about family literacy. Choose one item from each group.
Use these focus questions to guide you in the notes you will take:
What is the relationship between family literacy and the reading and writing processes of children?
How does the involvement of the family affect the literacy development of the child?
The notes will represent why parents and family members are important in the literacy development of a child.
Group 1 (read/view one assigned item)
(30-minute podcast where Paul Raeburn discusses this book that he wrote)
(intergenerational literacy)
Raising Readers: The Tremendous Potential of Families
Literacy Builds Life Skills as Well as Language Skills
Group 2 (choose one item to view/read)
When a Laundromat Becomes a Library (PBS News Hour video)
(an interesting strategy to provide books to young readers)
Culture Counts: Engaging Black and Latino Parents of Young Children in Family Support Programs
How Fathers Boost Toddlers’ Language Development
Promoting Family Literacy: Raising Ready Readers
Do Fathers Matter: On the Science of Fatherhood
(review of work by Paul Raeburn)

Not Required, FYI