4 Core Readings: Reading Research (f2f)
There are four reading research initiatives that have informed current practices in literacy education: Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science, The National Reading Panel Report, Every Child Reading, and Putting Reading First. You have been assigned to read one of these reading research initiatives.
Complete the worksheet that corresponds to the name of your group.
Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science

click on icon for link to website with information needed for APA citation

Report of the National Reading Panel

(this has to be downloaded)
When you have finished reading the reading research initiative that you have been assigned to, and have entered the required information on the worksheet that corresponds to the name of your group, click here to be taken back to Canvas. You will be take back to the Core Readings: Reading Research Initiatives assignment so that you are able to submit your work.
you must be logged into Canvas in order for the link to the Core Readings assignment, above, to work. This is where you will submit your completed notes.
bring a copy of the completed worksheet to class