
This book houses the Core Readings for EDUC 201: Processes and Acquisition of Reading.

Maryland State Approved Reading Courses offered by Colleges ...


There is not a traditional textbook for EDUC 201: Processes and Acquisition of Reading. In 2000, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) mandated the performance outcomes and essential knowledge and skills (competencies) for this and three other reading courses that are required for certification in early childhood, elementary and special education in Maryland. The content of this course was reviewed to determine adherence to the Maryland Reading Course Revision Guidelines and was approved.


Upon review of the variety of resources that might be available to cover the mandated course content, it was determined that there is not one textbook that covers the large number of required outcomes and competencies for this course. Rather than       requiring students to purchase multiple textbooks to cover the required content, the Core Readings, which consist of electronic links to primary and secondary source documents, were compiled for each topic. The Core Readings are housed in Pressbooks, the online resource that allows the creation of a textbook that is organized by topic.


Processes and Acquisition of Reading Copyright © by bmaestas66. All Rights Reserved.