Chapter 4: Brain and Language Development (online and f2f)


Behaviorist/Learning Theory of Language Perspective 


Use above link, read pages 34 – 37 (top) in this chapter: The Era of Conditioned Learning (1950 – 1965) 


Nativist Perspective (choose one)


Use above link, read pages 37 – 41 (top) in chapter:  The Era of Natural Learning (1966 – 1975)

Born This Way: Chomsky’s Theory Explains Why We’re So Good at Acquiring Language

Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar (YouTube film)


Social Interactionist/Sociocultural Perspective (choose one)


Use above link, read pages 45 – 50 (top) in chapter: The Era of Sociocultural Learning (1986 – 1995)

Social Interactionist Approach 




Processes and Acquisition of Reading Copyright © by bmaestas66. All Rights Reserved.

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