

What can Pressbooks do for you?

  • Curate the use of your OER learning materials in an organized manner.
  • Integrate your textbook into Canvas.
  • Replicate the “look and feel” of a traditional textbook your students are accustomed to using.
  • Create interactive activities for your students who can self-regulate their learning.
  • Transform your pedagogy by engaging your students to add to your course’s body of knowledge and content.
  • Provide varying formats to meet your students’ preferences for course materials.

What is Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is simple book production software. You can use Pressbooks to publish textbooks, scholarly monographs, syllabi, fiction and non-fiction books, white papers, and more in multiple formats including:

  • MOBI (for Kindle ebooks)
  • EPUB (for all other ebookstores)
  • designed PDF (for print-on-demand and digital distribution)

Pressbooks is used by educational institutions around the world as well as authors and publishers.

Learn more about how you can use Pressbooks

What are OER?

“Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.” – UNESCO

Why use OER?

  • Lower the cost of higher education and save students money. In FY23, HCC students saved almost $1.2 million by taking Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) and Low Textbook Cost (LTC) courses.
  • Find new ideas, activities and resources created by instructors from around the country.
  • Provide resources that are peer reviewed and frequently updated.

Learn more about OER