
Decorative artwork "What Are The Odds?"

Abstract that Inspired the Art

Probability and Prediction in Trading Card Games
Is it possible to predict the probability of a card being on the top of a deck?

  1. The findings that I anticipated to have with this project were to figure out a methodology from Statistical Mathematics to transition a process of calculating probability from a different context and import it into fitting my scenario of Trading Card Games.
  2. Create a process of testing the methodology and referencing it to pre-established predictions for results from the statistical calculator.
  3. I planned to use the methodologies of a statistical calculator to input the several variables that would be present in my testing scenario and to test the results from several rounds of testing the testing method to the results of the calculator itself to prove or disprove the usage of the said calculator to serve a purpose in the established context.

“What Are The Odds?”

Elizabeth Sam

Digital Art

This topic drew me in because it sparked a curiosity and excitement in me. There’s a theme of prospection and how someone could predict the expected and have a glimmer of hope that they were right, that I found inspiring. My creative process began with researching what common images were associated with the word “probability”, and what people perceived the term to be. I ended up choosing graphic art to gain more experience in this medium and challenge myself in manipulating vector art to look stylized. The premise of the piece is to showcase someone in the process of discovering the first card in a deck of trading cards and the accuracy of their prediction all while showing the anticipation of the person as well.

Mentored by: Dave Beaudoin


Journal of Research in Progress Vol. 6 Copyright © by JRIP Editorial Team. All Rights Reserved.